hevslib.toggl module

Toggl API Library

TogglPy is a non-cluttered, easily understood and implemented library for interacting with the Toggl API. https://github.com/matthewdowney/TogglPy

class hevslib.toggl.Endpoints

Bases: object

Class containing the endpoint URLs for Toggl

CLIENTS = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/clients'
CURRENT_RUNNING_TIME = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/time_entries/current'
PROJECTS = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/projects'
REPORT_DETAILED = 'https://toggl.com/reports/api/v2/details'
REPORT_SUMMARY = 'https://toggl.com/reports/api/v2/summary'
REPORT_WEEKLY = 'https://toggl.com/reports/api/v2/weekly'
START_TIME = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/time_entries/start'
static STOP_TIME(pid)
TASKS = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/tasks'
TIME_ENTRIES = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/time_entries'
USER = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/me'
WORKSPACES = 'https://www.toggl.com/api/v8/workspaces'
class hevslib.toggl.Toggl

Bases: object

Class containing the necessities for Toggl interaction

createTimeEntry(hourduration, description=None, projectid=None, projectname=None, taskid=None, clientname=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None)

Creating a custom time entry, minimum must is hour duration and project param :param hourduration: :param description: Sets a descripton for the newly created time entry :param projectid: Not required if projectname given :param projectname: Not required if projectid was given :param taskid: Adds a task to the time entry (Requirement: Toggl Starter or higher) :param clientname: Can speed up project query process :param year: Taken from now() if not provided :param month: Taken from now() if not provided :param day: Taken from now() if not provided :param hour: Taken from now() if not provided :return: response object from post call


Gets the Current Time Entry

getClient(name=None, id=None)

return the first workspace that matches a given name or id

getClientProject(clientName, projectName)

Fast query given the Client’s name and Project’s name :param clientName: :param projectName: :return:


id – Client ID by which to query


Projects object returned from endpoint


return all clients that are visable to a user


return a detailed report for a user

getDetailedReportCSV(data, filename=None)

save a detailed report as a pdf

getDetailedReportPDF(data, filename)

save a detailed report as a pdf


return all projects that are visable to a user

getProjectTasks(pid, archived=False)

return all tasks of a given project :param pid: Project ID :param archived: choose wether to fetch archived tasks or not


return a summary report for a user

getSummaryReportPDF(data, filename)

save a summary report as a pdf


return a weekly report for a user

getWeeklyReportPDF(data, filename)

save a weekly report as a PDF

getWorkspace(name=None, id=None)

return the first workspace that matches a given name or id


return all the workspaces for a user

headers = {'Accept': '*/*', 'Authorization': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'python/urllib'}
postRequest(endpoint, parameters=None)

make a POST request to the toggle api at a certain endpoint and return the RAW page data (usually JSON)

request(endpoint, parameters=None)

make a request to the toggle api at a certain endpoint and return the page data as a parsed JSON dict

requestRaw(endpoint, parameters=None)

Make a request to the toggle api at a certain endpoint and return the RAW page data (usually JSON)


Provide only a projects name for query and search through entire available names WARNING: Takes a long time!

If client name is known, ‘getClientProject’ would be advised


name – Desired Project’s name


Project object


Set the API key in the request header

setAuthCredentials(email, password)

set the User-Agent setting, by default it’s set to TogglPy

startTimeEntry(description, pid)

starts a new Time Entry


Stop the time entry

user_agent = 'TogglPy'