Welcome to HevsLib’s documentation!

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  /\  /\/__\/\   /\/ _\   / /(_) |__
 / /_/ /_\  \ \ / /\ \   / / | | '_ \  python hevslib
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This repository contains multiple python modules to be reused in SPL projects.

All SPL Docs

  • SPL-Docs - Public - General information about programming tools, code, spl admin stuff and internal informations

  • Constellium-Docs - Private - Non public webpage for Constellium related confidential informations

  • Hevslib-python - Public - Documentation about our own python library with some modules helping programming in python

Project Structure

+-- docs/                       # project documentation
+-- hevslib/
  +-- applehealth.py            # apple health API module
  +-- general.py                # helper functions for python standard libraries
  +-- log.py                    # log module for console and file colorful logs
  +-- md.py                     # markdown module to create markdown and pdf files
  +-- pandas.py                 # pandas helper functions
  +-- plotly.py                 # plotly helper functions
  +-- scikitlearn.py            # scikitlearn helper functions
  +-- sphinx.py                 # sphinx rst module to create rst files intented for sphinx
  +-- time.py                   # time a and datetime helper functions
  +-- toggl.py                  # functions linked to the toggl API
  +-- version.py                # hevslib library version
+-- img/                        # project images
+-- .gitignore
+-- LICENSE                     # The project license
+-- README.md                   # This file


Clone repo including submodules

git clone --recursive <repo_url>

Pull changes repo and submodules

Pull all changes in the repo including changes in the submodules (of given commit)

git pull --recursive-submodules


As module


pip install git+https://gitlab.hevs.ch/SPL/hevslib-python.git


pipenv install git+https://gitlab.hevs.ch/SPL/hevslib-python.git#egg=hevslib

As submodule

git submodule add -b master ../../SPL/hevslib-python hevslib
git submodule add -b master https://gitlab.hevs.ch/SPL/hevslib-python hevslib

Known Issues / TODOs

Gitlab Issues


Mit License © Smart Process Lab

Indices and tables

Find us on


Hevslib is part of the SPL HES-SO Valais-Wallis software suite for Data Science, Education and Industry 4.0 applications.