======== Robotics ======== `Unity Robotics Hub `_ Robotics-Nav2-SLAM-Example ========================== This is a memo for the example provided `here `_. *Quick start based on ROS installation in a VM (May 2022)* .. code-block:: bash git clone --recurse-submodule git@github.com:Unity-Technologies/Robotics-Nav2-SLAM-Example.git Configure ROS ------------- Make sure to have ``ros``, ``python3``, ``pip``, ``rosdep`` and ``colcon`` installed: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install ros-foxy-desktop python3.8 pip python3-rosdep python3-colcon-common-extensions Then: .. code-block:: bash python3 -m pip install --no-warn-script-location ipython source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash sudo rosdep init rosdep update rosdep install -yrq --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO Finally, go in the ``colcon_ws`` directory and build the packages: .. code-block:: bash colcon build Configure Unity --------------- Follow the instruction given in `Setting up the Unity Project `_ . .. note:: Everything worked "fine" when converting the project to Unity version ``2021.3.2f1``. Thus you can accept all instructions given by Unity when opening the project. Thought there is some bugs when giving the **2D Goal Pose** command to the robot from RViz. It is not determined if the version of Unity is the cause. To find the IP address of the VM type ``ifconfig`` in the terminal. Run the example --------------- In the VM run in the ``colcon_ws`` directory (where the ``install`` folder is created after the build): .. code-block:: bash source install/local_setup.bash ros2 launch unity_slam_example unity_slam_example.py Troubleshooting --------------- If you encounter the following error when launching the ROS package: LookupError: Could not find the resource 'nav2_bringup' of type 'packages' ... rerun this command: .. code-block:: bash rosdep install -yrq --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO