

Close issue(s) with commit#

You can automatically close one or more issues by a special syntax within the commit message.

Awesome commit message

Fix #20, Fixes #21 and Closes group/otherproject#22.
This commit is also related to #17 and fixes #18, #19

will close #18, #19, #20, and #21 in the project this commit is pushed to, as well as #22 and #23 in group/otherproject. #17 won’t be closed as it does not match the pattern. It works with multi-line commit messages as well as one-liners when used from the command line with git commit -m.

The keywords you can use to close an issue are the following:

  • Close, Closes, Closed, Closing, close, closes, closed, closing

  • Fix, Fixes, Fixed, Fixing, fix, fixes, fixed, fixing

  • Resolve, Resolves, Resolved, Resolving, resolve, resolves, resolved, resolving

  • Implement, Implements, Implemented, Implementing, implement, implements, implemented, implementing
