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Visual Studio Code


To increase your productivity, the following extensions are recommended depending on what you're doing:

Name Description Install
reStructuredText linter, preview, IntelliSense and more Install
Code Spell Checker Spelling checker for source code Install
GitLens Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code Install
Paste Image paste image from clipboard directly Install
Task Explorer Manage tasks Install
Visual Studio IntelliCode AI-assisted development Install
Name Description Install
Python Linting, Debugging, Intellisense and more Install
Python Docstring Generator Automatically generates detailed docstrings for python functions Install
Python Indent Correct python indentation Install

Paste Image configuration

If you're writing RST documentation, add the following lines in the local project settings (.vscode/settings.json) for the Paste Image extension to automatically save clipped image in the img folder of the current directory. Use :kbd:Ctrl+Alt+V to paste the image.

  "pasteImage.path": "${currentFileDir}/img",
  "pasteImage.insertPattern": ".. figure:: ${imageSyntaxPrefix}${imageFilePath}${imageSyntaxSuffix}"

Integrate Cmder terminal

Create CMDER_ROOT environment variable pointing to the Cmder installation directory.

Create the file %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\bin\vscode_init.cmd with the content from

Create the file %CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\bin\vscode_init_args.cmd.default.cmd with the content

Finally add the following in VSCode settings:

    "": "cmd.exe",
    "": [
